I Received My Book Today

I received my SGP Book today, long awaited I must say, or perhaps it was just my anxiousness to see what was in the pages. My first reaction was raw and visceral and tears poured from my eyes. The tears came from a place deep inside my soul that I did not know...

When the Idea of a Shoot

When the idea of a shoot based around intimacy, vulnerability, and love was presented to me, I was genuinely intrigued. I digested the concept. To visually conceptualize another perspective of what raw connection looked like between two individuals, two individuals I...

Before the Shoot

Before the shoot, I looked forward to be working with Ricardo again. I was especially excited for this newfound theme because in prior shoots I had tried to capture and embody intimacy. To have Ricardo pursue a theme based around vulnerability, intimacy and love...

Having Done a Few Shoots with Ricardo

Having done a few shoots with Ricardo with and without a partner, for Sex Goddess Project books three and four I have learned that each shoot is unique, be it due to the individuals involved, or the intention. The intention for The Intimacy Project is to glory in the...

Meeting with Remarkable Men

Meetings with Remarkable Men. As far back as my memory allows, I have been obsessed with a few things that, in retrospect, may not be typical childhood concerns. God, love, death, sex, art and magic have been my lifelong interests.I pondered these concepts and came to...

Some More Thoughts on Intimacy

“Intimacy means mutual vulnerability, openness, and sharing. …. a profound connection with oneself and/or another where all boundaries, all concepts, all thoughts, disappear. It is the pure experience of Love. It should be (but is not always) present in close,...